MPC Prevention and Wellness Team
The goal of MPC’s Prevention and Wellness Team is to improve health outcomes and enhance the quality of life for our members, focusing on prevention and early intervention. To meet this goal, the team provides evidence-based health education to members and providers in a variety of ways such as:
- Face-to-face clinics (i.e., breast cancer screening, adult preventive health, diabetic eye exams, etc.)
- Community Advisory Board (CAB) meetings
- Provider Forums
- The MPC website:
- Self-management tools
- Quarterly newsletters for both members and providers
- Social media
- Community events – health fairs, baby showers, Judy Centers, Head Start Programs, Zoom parent meetings, mammogram and diabetic eye clinics, festivals, etc.
The P&W Team can also provide education:
Online – virtual classes (upon request)
Via telephone, mail, or email (upon request)
Feel free to contact us: Email to