PREVENTION & WELLNESS - Maryland Physicians Care

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MPC Prevention and Wellness Team

The goal of MPC’s Prevention and Wellness Team is to improve health outcomes and enhance the quality of life for our members, focusing on prevention and early intervention. To meet this goal, the team provides evidence-based health education to members and providers in a variety of ways such as:

The P&W Team can also provide education:

Online – virtual classes (upon request)
Via telephone, mail, or email (upon request)

Feel free to contact us: Email to

Fill out a health education request form for members or for providers

Rachelle Cannon, MS, CWP, CWWS

Prevention & Wellness Program Manager

Phone: 410-412-9089, ext. 209

Rachelle is a U.S. Military Veteran and Certified Wellness Practitioner with over 24 years of experience providing evidence-based healthy lifestyle programs and guidance to diverse populations. She has a Master of Sports Science degree in Health & Fitness Management, served as a Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach for 5 years, and continues to serve as a Certified Worksite Wellness Specialist who provides program development, management, and administration. Rachelle thrives on building relationships with internal and external community partners to collectively educate others in the prevention of, or improved maintenance of, various chronic health conditions. Her extensive experience working at Johns Hopkins Healthcare weaves into her Medical Management duties at MPC, and she looks forward to growing the Prevention and Wellness Program. In her spare time, Rachelle loves reading non-fiction books, swimming and strength training, and spending time with her 2 pets, family, and friends.

As the Prevention &Wellness (P&W) Program Manager, Rachelle is responsible for overseeing and coordinating P&W activities specifically designed to promote the importance of accessing timely preventive and well care services through targeted member and provider education and outreach initiatives.

MPC Members: Sign up for Belong.

Belong is a FREE program that rewards MPC members with healthy prizes and valuable coupons!

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Attention: Similac Powdered Formula Recall

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