Similac Powdered Formula Recall - Maryland Physicians Care

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Similac Powdered Formula Recall

On February 17, 2022, Abbott Nutrition issued a voluntary recall of the following powdered products that are provided by the Maryland WIC Program:

All Alimentum powder
All EleCare Infant powder
All Elecare Jr powder
All 12.5 oz containers Similac for Spit Up powder
All 12.6 oz containers Total Comfort powder

Some 12.4 oz Similac Advance powder
Some 12.5 oz Similac Sensitive powder

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Steps to take if your infant has been provided one of the above products:

  1. Check if your formula is impacted by the recent Similac recall, use the following link:
  2. Click on “Check Lot Number” to verify if the lot number on your formula can is impacted by the recall.
  3. Contact your local WIC office for assistance related to returning the formula and options for replacement formula if the product was recalled.

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Attention: Similac Powdered Formula Recall

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