Renew Medicaid Membership - Maryland Physicians Care

If you are enrolled in Medicaid, you must renew once a year or you will lose your coverage.

Renew Now

Renew Your Benefits

If you are enrolled in Medicaid, you must renew once a year or you will lose your coverage.

Important: Maryland Health Connection handles the renewal of all Medicaid benefits.

If there is a change in your phone number, mailing address or email, it is important to update your information with Maryland Health Connection.

You Can Renew
in the Following Ways:


Visit Maryland Health Connection’s Renew Medicaid Benefits page or log into your account and use the “Change My Information/Renew Coverage” button.


Call Maryland Health Connection at 855-642-8572.

When renewing, have the following information ready:

  • Household monthly income (including pay stubs, W-2 forms, or tax returns if you have them)
  • Social Security numbers or document numbers for each household member renewing coverage
  • Immigration information, if applicable

Remember to select Maryland Physicians Care as your health plan to keep your existing coverage.

Help Is Here!

Maryland Physicians Care has been helping members make good decisions about their health care since 1996. Don’t hesitate to call us at 800-953-8854 or 800-735-2258 (TTY/TDD) if you have any questions.

You may also contact MPC for help at any time.

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