How to Apply for Medicaid in Maryland - Maryland Physicians Care

If you are enrolled in Medicaid, you must renew once a year or you will lose your coverage.

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How to Apply for Medicaid in Maryland

Maryland Physicians Care (MPC) has been serving the citizens of Maryland’s health needs since 1996. Part of that has been to help you understand how to access all the help that may be available to you. There can be many reasons why you or a member of your family may need free or low-cost health at any time in your life, and we’re here to help guide and support you as you apply for Maryland Medicaid.

If you’re wondering what benefits are available to MPC members, view the HealthChoice Member Handbook, visit MPC Medical Coverage, or call Maryland Physicians Care toll-free at 1-800-953-8854.

Who is Eligible for Medicaid?

Adults, children, pregnant women, people with disabilities, caretakers, and others may be eligible. Keep in mind that there are exceptions to income limits, so if you need medical assistance and aren’t sure if you qualify, you should go ahead and apply for it.

Find out more at Maryland Health Connection.

Fill Out Your Medicaid Application

When you apply for coverage, you’ll need to provide this information about yourself and each member of your household who is enrolling:

  • Birthdates
  • Social Security Numbers (or document numbers for legal immigrants)
  • Citizenship or immigration status
  • Tax returns for previous years
  • Employer and income info (pay stubs, W-2 forms)

You can apply for Medicaid online, but there are additional methods, depending on your individual circumstances.

If you’re in one of these population categories:

  • Adults
  • Children
  • Pregnant Women
  • Former Foster Care Youth
  • Parents or Caregiver Relatives
  • Individual with Disabilities

Applying for Medicaid in Maryland

You can apply:

When you apply for Medicaid, you will be asked to choose Managed Care Organization (MCO). Make sure to select Maryland Physicians Care.

For people with disabilities, there are certain situations that offer additional assistance.

If you are:

  • Disabled and in the 24-month waiting period:
    • Apply in the same ways as listed above
  • Disabled and employed:
  • Disabled AND receive SSI AND Medicare:
  • or

  • If you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI):
    • You are automatically eligible for Medicaid and do not need to apply.​​

When you apply for Medicaid, you will be asked to choose Managed Care Organization (MCO). Make sure to select Maryland Physicians Care.

Resources to Help You Through the Medicaid Application Process

Call Maryland Health Connection toll-free at 855-642-8572 for any questions or help.

Maryland Medicaid Eligibility Requirements

Maryland Health Connection Application Checklist

If you need help applying for medical assistance to ensure you get the quality care you and your family need, don’t hesitate to call Maryland Health Connection toll-free at 855-642-8572.

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