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COVID-19 Testing Alert

On June 26, the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), under the Governor’s Executive Order, initiated a COVID-19 testing campaign with a goal that 10% of Marylanders be tested for COVID-19. Click here to view the notice (PDF).

We are assisting by reminding our providers and our members of the importance of COVID-19 testing. On July 2nd, our members will begin receiving the following text message:

“Important Message From MPC, your health plan. If you are experiencing symptoms or think you have been exposed to COVID-19, it is very important that you get tested for COVID-19. To find out where you can get your free and easy test visit our Coronavirus Resource page and contact your doctor.”

Providers not currently providing COVID-19 testing in the office can use the following resources to order testing for patients:

The newest edition of MPC’s Provider Newsletter is now available!

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MPC Members: Sign up for Belong.

Belong is a FREE program that rewards MPC members with healthy prizes and valuable coupons!

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Attention: Similac Powdered Formula Recall

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