Well on Wheels - Maryland Physicians Care

If you are enrolled in Medicaid, you must renew once a year or you will lose your coverage.

Renew Now

MPC Well On Wheels is a traveling healthcare and Medicaid awareness program provided by Maryland Physicians Care.

MPC Well on Wheels:

  • Helps Marylanders eligible for medical assistance understand the Medicaid benefits available to them, and
  • Encourages healthy living by practicing good health habits, such as eating smarter, being more active, keeping regular check-ups with the same doctor, and going to annual screening appointments.

MPC Well on Wheels is a cargo van that tours Maryland participating in community events, like health fairs, festivals, faith-based events, and cultural celebrations.

Book an MPC Well on Wheels Event

Book an Event

Want to join MPC? It’s easy! To see if you are eligible and to sign up for Medicaid coverage visit MarylandHealthConnection.gov.

Medicaid in Maryland

MPC provides free, quality health care services to Maryland’s HealthChoice enrollees by extending the full benefits of Medicaid. Our strong network of hospitals, doctors, clinics and pharmacies helps our Members live as healthy as possible through education, support, and quality programs. Don’t hesitate to call us at 800-953-8854 or 800-735-2258 (TTY/TDD) if you have any questions.

HealthChoice is a program of the Maryland Department of Health.

MPC Members: Sign up for Belong.

Belong is a FREE program that rewards MPC members with healthy prizes and valuable coupons!

Sign Up

Attention: Similac Powdered Formula Recall

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